Membership Opportunities

Joining an organization like the New York State Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association has benefits much greater than can be expected. As individuals responsible for enforcing the fire and building codes that keep us all safe from day to day, we also have the responsibility and the desire to be the best we can be to do our jobs.

An organization like NYSFMIA is a tremendous tool that we can use to help us get better at what we do by providing the professional development we need; provide a forum to network with other individuals responsible for making our buildings safer; and an opportunity to not only meet but know the members of our profession that help us make the right daily decisions.

There is so much more. You have to experience the NYSFMIA to understand. 

Yes, NYSFMIA makes us better professionals, but at the same time we are making long term friendships that you cannot make anywhere else.

Your membership allows the for the ability to actively pursue our mission of providing leadership and professional development opportunities for our members and partners through communication, education, legislation, and code development.


Membership Level

"Click " on Membership Catagry below for more detailed infomation

Active membership shall be restricted to Code Enforcement Officials who are actively engaged in an official capacity within a governmental department, bureau or agency engaged in the business of enforcement, administration, formulation or ordinance relating to the inspection of buildings and other structures.


Active members include: Fire Chiefs • Fire Marshals • Fire Inspectors • Firefighters • Fire Department Training Officers • Building Officials.

[Annual dues: $25.00]

Associate membership shall be restricted to former active members who are no longer eligible for active membership and to public officials other than building officials.

[Annual dues: $25.00]

Corporate membership shall be restricted to architects, engineers and representatives of non-profit technical and professional organizations which are interested in building codes, fire codes and fire safety construction standard. 

Corporate members include: Health Professionals • Fire Equipment Sales • Fire Protection Contractors • Fire Safety Consultants

[Annual dues: $25.00]

Participating memberships shall principally include representatives of manufacturers, contractors, financial institutions, insurance companies and other persons or firms similarly engaged in the fire safety industry.


Participating Members include: Health Professionals • Fire Equipment Sales • Fire Protection Contractors • Fire Safety Consultants

[Annual dues: $25.00]

Honorary membership may be conferred upon individuals of distinction who have rendered outstanding services in the furtherance of the purposes and objectives of this Corporation.

Such membership shall be conferred by a majority vote of the active members present at the annual Meeting of the Corporation.

 Active members in good standing who are elected to honorary status shall retain all privileges of active membership.

” If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? ” – John Wooden

John Robert Wooden is considered the greatest NCAA basketball head coach of all time.

Why Join NYSFMIA ?

There are classes held throughout the year teaching from the most basic to the most technical aspects of the Codes.

You’ll become a better inspector knowing not just what the codes are, but why they are, and your enforcement will be consistent throughout the state.

Instruction covering the operation of building departments and fire marshals offices is offered to assist you and/or your staff with office procedures, forms development and your legal responsibilities.

The Annual Business Meeting is an event packed with education, peer discussion, a vendor trade show highlighting new and existing technologies, and much more. This event must not be missed.

Though cost of membership is low, the cost of not having support in your job is very high. Investigate this opportunity today.

" Fire Prevention through Education and Enforcement "