Fire Service Webinar: Modern Fires…Modern Fire Protection.. Are We Ready?

Live Webinar: March 5th, 2025, from 2:00 – 3:00 P.M. EST (-5 UTC)

The modern fire environment has changed so much in the past 20 years that fire departments struggle to keep up. Improvements in the buildings fire protection systems have struggled to keep pace with the size, contents, and configuration of modern buildings. The volume of unregulated material in our homes coupled with energy storage systems (ESS) and electric vehicles (EV) is making the fire problem in America worse.

From homes to high-rises, mega-warehouses, and ever-increasing big box stores that support our lifestyles, the unintended consequence is a modern fire environment that is overwhelming some of the best-staffed, equipped, and trained fire departments in America.

The modern fire environment requires firefighters and fire officers to understand fire protection features of the building, especially active fire protection systems. Fire sprinklers and Firefighters equal an unbeatable team.

The overall program will discuss various portions and components of NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, NFPA 13D, NFPA 13E, NFPA 1620, and NFPA 1700.

Learning Objectives:
Participants in this webinar are expected to learn:

  1. Increase awareness of members of the fire service and fire protection industries on their roles together.
  2. Develop best practices for overall fire protection and enhance mitigation and tactical considerations.
  3. Bring the fire service and fire protection industry closer prior to the fires.

Target Audience:

  • Firefighters to fire officers
  • Fire inspectors to fire marshals
  • Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Industry Professionals
  • Fire Protection Engineers
  • System Design Technicians (Fire sprinkler and Fire alarm)

Shane Ray, EFO (Executive Fire Officer)
Frank Ellis

Professional Development Credits:

1.0 PDH

Free Webinar provided by SFPE Fire Service Subcommittee

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